Terms and Conditions


Provide the policies, conditions and terms of the apartment reservation on the santamartatravel.com website, in compliance with the internal guidelines and applicable legal provisions.


Applies to the client who has booked an apartment on the santamartatravel.com website.


3.1. Check In (entry) and Check Out (exit) policy
Your reservation starts at 3:00 p.m. on the day of arrival and ends at 1:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m.) on the day of departure.

3.2. Cancellation and Modification Policy
You may cancel or modify your reservation (s) without penalty, if you do so before 3:00 p.m. the day before your arrival date, in case of not making use of your reservation and not having canceled or modified it within the established time, you will be charged a penalty for the value of the first night of accommodation plus taxes and additional services reserved. Does not apply to non-refundable rates.

3.3. Minors Registration Policy
If you are traveling with your child (ren) under 18 years of age, you must present the identification document of the minor (s) of age (civil registration), which proves the existence of the relationship. If the minor (s) are not traveling in the company of their parents, you must deliver at the reception, in addition to the minor’s identification document (civil registry), the parents’ permission, which must be authenticated by a Notary Public and accompanied by a copy of the identification document of those who gave the authorization. Without this documentation, minors are not allowed to enter the apartments. The foregoing in development to the provisions of Law 679 of 2001 Statute to Prevent Sexual Exploitation of Boys, Girls and Adolescents and its concordant norms.

3.4. Anticorruption and Antifraud Policy
Do not allow dishonest conduct or practices that would undermine business integrity; such as offering or accepting gifts, invitations, or other types of incentives that may reward or influence you to take or refrain from taking any commercial or legal action, or when you intentionally hide, alter, falsify or omit information for your own benefit or for the benefit of others, or incursion into eventual conflicts of interest that could put personal priorities before collective ones; promoting a culture of ethics, transparency and rectitude in the development of activities.

3.5. Policy on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
Become aware of and commit to the fight against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism – ML / TF, putting all its efforts to prevent the company from being involved in illegal acts, not only for loyalty reasons but also for ethical reasons and legality, in compliance with a policy in accordance with legal regulations. Thus, then, the client declares under the gravity of an oath, which is understood to be given with the signing of the contract, that the resources that make up its assets do not come from money laundering, terrorist financing, drug trafficking, illegal collection of money and in general from any illegal activity; in the same way, it manifests that the resources delivered or that will be delivered as consideration for the services offered by santamartatravel.com, come from lawful activity. For the purposes of the foregoing, the client expressly authorizes santamartatravel.com, to consult the lists, information systems and databases to which there is room and to find any report, santamartatravel.com will proceed to carry out the contractual actions and / or legal that correspond. The client is obliged to carry out all the necessary activities or steps, aimed at ensuring that its partners, administrators, contractors, clients, suppliers, employees, etc., and / or their resources, are not related or come from illegal activities , particularly, of those previously enunciated. These behaviors will lead to the legitimate termination of the hosting contract by santamartatravel.com.

3.6. Sustainability Policy
At santamartatravel.com, we are committed to the sustainable development of our environment, assuming the legal commitment in environmental, socio-cultural and economic aspects, through continuous improvement of our processes. Protecting the physical and moral integrity of children, adolescents and the vulnerable population, applying security and control measures aimed at preserving their rights. We implement prevention, control and improvement measures to minimize the environmental, socio-cultural and economic impact of the operation; sensitizing our guests, clients, suppliers and collaborators regarding their sustainable rights and duties.

3.7. Anti-Smoking Law Policy
In accordance with the provisions established in Law 1335 of 2009 nuThese apartments have spaces and environments free of tobacco smoke. Consequently, the guest accepts as an obligation to refrain from smoking in spaces, areas and environments that are demarcated as smoke-free spaces, as well as in closed spaces, such as rooms, corridors, restaurants, lounges and others. In the event that the guest breaches this obligation, he agrees to pay a penalty equivalent to $ 100,000 COP, for breach of his obligations.

3.8. Declaration of Origin and Destination of Funds
I declare that the economic and / or physical resources do not come from nor will they be used for illicit activities contemplated in the Colombian Penal Code or in any regulation that modifies or adds it.

3.9. Authorization Processing of Personal Data
I authorize santamartatravel.com to process your personal data, which has been delivered through various marketing channels such as websites, call centers, among others. The website informs that personal data will be kept with special care, in accordance with those established in Law 1266 of 2008, Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and other norms that modify, regulate or expand the regulation on The matter.

3.10. Withdrawal Policy
When you book our services through santamartatravel.com, you can exercise the right of withdrawal at the latest within the following five business days from the confirmation of purchase. The withdrawal will not proceed for reservations whose entry date is before five days. To retract, send an email to retracto@santamartatravel.com if you made your purchase through the website. The refund of the money will be made without deductions of any kind, by bank consignment in the name of the reservation holder or by reversion to the credit card used for the purchase, depending on the payment method used, within 30 calendar days following the date. exercise of withdrawal.

3.11. Reversion Policy
When you book our services through santamartatravel.com and have used a credit or debit card or any other electronic payment instrument as a means of payment and the means of payment used is issued by a financial entity domiciled in Colombia, you may request the reversal in case of fraud, unsolicited operation or product purchased not received.


Colombian Penal Code.

Law 1335 of 2009.

Law 1266 of 2008, Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013.

Law 679 of 2001 Statute to Prevent Sexual Exploitation of Boys, Girls and Adolescents.

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